Working with the Moon
The moon transits the zodiac faster than any other planetary body, with it only spending about 2.5 days in each sign. It rules over the subconscious, the emotions, and is representative of divine feminine energy which is why it’s associated with our intuition, our magic, and the mother, whether that be our own mother or the mother within us. Each sign has it’s own effect on the moon’s energy as well as the house that it’s transiting in each of our own astrological charts, with it’s energy being exalted in Taurus and Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn and Scorpio. Understanding the way the moon works with us and affects us provides provides insight on how to use it for healing, spiritual growth, manifestation, and psychic development.
Considering how quickly the moon transits the zodiac, it can play a part in the ups and downs we experience mentally and emotionally, which is why I suggest taking some time to take note of how you feel and what you experience as the moon travels through specific signs. This will provide insight on how to care for yourself through these energies. Some of the more noticeably difficult energies to work through is when the moon is debilitated, when it aspects a retrograding planet, and when it harshly aspects Chiron (natal or current). Our Chiron placements show us where we carry some of our most difficult traumas and hardships and with the moon ruling over the subconscious and our emotions, they both work together to show us where we are harboring any unprocessed emotions or resentment that we may not be entirely conscious of, especially around the mother wound. Some of the more beneficial placements for the moon is when it’s exalted and when it positively aspects a natal or transiting Venus. Taking note of our mental and emotional wellbeing through these times allows us to more easily acknowledge what is needing to be healed and how to do so which can be better understood when look at the moon placement in your natal chart.
To learn how to care for yourself based on your moon sign, you’ll want to look at a couple different placements in your natal chart; the zodiac sign ruling your moon, the planet ruling the zodiac sign of your moon, the placement of the ruling planet of your moon, and the house your moon is sitting in. All of these aspects will offer insight on the different themes and energies that make your moon feel more fulfilled and at home therefore supporting your mental and emotional energy and empowering your feminine energy to flourish.
The new moon marks the start of a next moon cycle and is a time of renewal, rebirth, and is a great time to set your intentions on what you’d like to manifest through this next moon cycle as well as over the next 12 or so months when the moon and sun will meet again in this sign. This also marks the beginning of the waxing period which is a period of growing, creating, and gaining awareness as the sun illuminates the moon This period is also great for bringing something to life or manifesting different things into your reality. This could be a physical thing or it could be an internal feeling, but either way, when working with the moon, you are going to be working through mental and emotional blockages in order to bring whatever it is your working on manifesting into fruition.
When deciding on what you’d like to manifest or drawn in with the new moon, consider the sign the new moon is taking place in and the specific house it’ll be transiting in your natal chart along the ruling planet of the house, the placement of the ruling planet, and any other planets or aspects taking place in the house. The house it travels through will give insight to the area or themes of life it can bring renewal to and the sign/ruling planet of the new moon can show the energy of how this can be manifested. For example, if you’re manifesting with a moon in a sign ruled by Saturn, this would be manifested through discipline in structure as opposed to a sign ruled by Venus where it would be manifested through following your passion and desires.
The full moon happens when the sun and moon are directly opposing each other which provides a moment of full illumination of what may usually be hidden from our awareness and allows the subconscious to come to light. This also marks the beginning of the waning period where the moon appears to grow smaller in size due to it traveling away from the sun’s direct light. This is a period of releasing what is no longer serving you which, if you were keeping note of your triggers during the waxing period, the moon has most likely shed light on what needs to be released leading up to the full moon. The waning period provides an opportunity to release toxic habits, cycles, relationships, and old or limiting beliefs which, when working with the moon, will be highlighted through our intuitive nudges and emotions.
Using a similar system to working with the new moon, it can be helpful to take the sign and the house the full moon is transiting when deciding your intentions. Themes of the house as well as current and natal placements/aspects of that house can indicate the internal and external experiences that will be highlighted by the full moon. The sign will show you how to flow with the releasing process the same way the sign for the new moon shows you how to go about manifesting your intention.
Every intention we set will require us to back it up with some sort of action and that’s true for all types of manifestation. I can’t tell you how many times I set the intention to basically rid myself of all negative influences and manifest the life of my dreams without truly understanding what that would require from me. It’s a very easy way to set yourself up for a tower moment, so instead I suggest picking 1-3 things you’d like to work through over the next couple of weeks.
Your comfortability with your emotions will greatly determine your experience working with the moon. If you’re resistant to your emotions, then that avoidance will have to be tended to before you’re able to work through some of the intentions you’ve set because they play a big part in the way the moon highlights what needs healing. Luckily, there’s a lot to gain as you learn to tune into your emotions and allow them to be a kind of guide or teacher in your life, so tending to that work will never be a waste of time and it will get you closer to what you’re wanting regardless.
The moon rules over our psychic senses, with it being an important aspect to our feminine power. By taking time to connect with your intuition and develop your psychic senses, you’ll make it easier to pick up some of the intuitive nudges you’ll receive while working with the moon. A couple important steps when diving into psychic development is to get a strong spiritual hygiene routine for yourself and your space to ensure a safe space to practice in and to trust yourself. You will get things “wrong” in order to learn what that feels like so you can apply that moving forward so allow that to exist without judgement. To begin connecting with your psychic senses, you’ll want to learn how to ground your energy and to sit comfortably in stillness. This will get you in a comfortable state to allow your psychic senses and intuition to flow more easily.
The easiest way to block ourselves from manifesting our intentions is to not believe in your abilities to do so. Losing faith in yourself leads to a lack of effort and the universe can only multiply the energy you put out. Be relentless when it comes to believing in your ability to heal and manifest anything because the universe will test this. It will withhold manifestations to test your faith in the divine and yourself so don’t let yourself get lost in the in between. I suggest finding practices and affirmations that help you connect with you personal power to use when you begin to question it. This will allow you to reconnect to that energy and show the universe that you’re ready and willing to do whatever you need to maintain your manifestations when they arrive.
There’s no rule that says when you start connecting with the moon that you have to plan a ritual or intention for every single moon phase or cycle. It’s energy is ever present and will be a factor along your healing and spiritual growth regardless of what you choose to do with it, but your intention gives that energy a direction in order to empower whatever you are intending to do which is only helpful when you release control and learn to flow with the moon’s power.