Generational Healing

Our families were the first people to plant seeds into our mental garden, and where they were in their own healing and evolution determined which of those seeds were flowers and which were weeds. When we grow up, it’s up to us to choose what we will allow to continue to grow in this garden and remove what no longer aligns with who we are or where we are trying to go. Generational healing can be a very heavy, yet empowering responsibility to take on and will test your strength many times. Regardless, taking intentional action toward healing your lineage one of the most impactful acts of love for yourself that can and will effect those around you.


Generational healing is the act of tending to the cycles and habits passed down to your from your elders and ancestors. By tending to these negative influences, we are able to lessen the negative impact and transmute it into strength and power for ourselves and those to come. Generational healing allows us to integrate positive influences in not only our families but also our societal generation as a whole, and offer a healthy, safe example for the generations to come. This process isn’t intended to promote blame or anger towards those who played apart in these cycles from forming, but is actually meant to promote love and understanding for not only ourselves and our descendants but also the generations before us that got stuck in these cycles and never found their way out of them.

Here are the three main aspects where we tend to our generational trauma and make the most impact on our lineage:


    A lot of our generational burden can be found in how we view and treat ourselves. Many generations before us either were unaware or fearful of their personal power and gave their power away to toxicity in many ways which is what snowballed into the generational cycles we, as the cycle-breakers, are left to tend to for ourselves. By them operating from an unhealed place, they projected their insecurities, fears, and limiting beliefs onto us which lead to cycles promoting a disconnection to self, a lack of self love, and fearing or judging the parts of us that makes us who we are, which tend to be the root of other toxic cycles, habits, and addictions. Building a strong relationship with yourself will require you to stop hiding from yourself, learn who you are and who you want to be, and love yourself enough to make the changes to get there. By practicing radical self love and acceptance, we are able to heal our relationship with ourselves, step into our personal power, and live a life rooted in love and understanding which has a profound effect on how we show up for ourselves and those around us. This can create a natural ripple effect of healing to those around us because living authentically will be a positive example for those ready to do the work for themselves and will highlight needed healing in those that are triggered by it. That is their own responsibility to tend to though, the same way your healing is your own independent journey as well, regardless of who played a part in the trauma and cycles.


    Outside of healing ourselves, we create the most change through how we choose to parent and show up for the incoming generations. The main goal of mindful/intentional parenting is to be aware of the possible outcomes of our actions and decisions when it comes to our children. This can be environmental influences like where the child will grow up and who they will be around, but also includes other impactful influences like insecurities/fears we project or the kind of language/attitudes we choose to use with them. In some cases, the only parenting decision some people make is to not have children which is still a perfect example of mindful parenting because there is a mindful choice being made around the impact you or your circumstances have on your children. There is no time limit on mindful parenting either. Even if your children and grandchildren are grown, you reflecting on the influence you had on them, negative and positive, and taking responsibility for the harm you have caused is still holds value and can be very healing in your children’s generational healing journey. Regardless of your journey with parenthood, it’s important that we carry ourselves as the adult we needed as children and take it upon ourselves to be that for the generations to come.


    Everyone has ancestral work to tend to regardless if you choose to do that work directly with your ancestors or on your own. Understanding where your ancestors came from and how they lived their lives helps guide you on what influences you would like to remove or amplify in your life, because for many of us, those influences aren’t all negative. In my experience, our ancestors tend to come forward to right their wrongs and support us in the healing work needed to recover from their mistakes and harmful choices. Not everyone is open to directly working with their ancestors this way and that’s not to say that every ancestor is a healthy choice to do this work with. This is going to depend greatly on your own discernment and personal boundaries, and whatever that looks like for you is completely fine because this work is intended to be tailored to you and your needs. Other aspects of ancestral work includes cultural reconnection, ancestral veneration, and learning how to connect and communicate with your ancestors directly, but a huge percentage of ancestral work is focused healing the generational cycles and inner child trauma found within the lineage.


My life was overran with cycles that slipped through the fingers of many generations before me, snowballing into deep-rooted issues that touched every aspect of my life and it left me in pieces for many years. That experience showed me that I never wanted my children and descendants to experience the same darkness and pain left for me to tend to, or anyone else for that matter. I began intentionally addressing the generational trauma and cycles within my own lineage in 2020 and now use that experience to support other families with their healing. Watching them create lasting change for themselves has been a very fulfilling experience for me which has led me to providing personal services focused on generational healing to offer that support to others who are inspired and motivated to heal their lineage.

Generational healing sessions are intended to provide clarity on the generational cycles, habits, and trauma affecting you and offer guidance on how to heal it. It’s not uncommon for ancestors to come forward to assist in the reading, but isn’t essential if you aren’t comfortable with including mediumship. This session can also provide actionable steps to develop/strengthen your relationship with your ancestors if that’s something you are interested in pursuing.

Learn more about generational healing sessions on my services page!



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