Protection practices are an vital step to creating a strong spiritual hygiene routine because it’s essentially the shield between you and the energies around you and without it, you leave yourself more vulnerable to unnecessary hardships and harsh energies that can have an harmful impact on your energy. By maintaining strong protections around you and things that are important to you, you are able to deflect the different energies and entities that you do not want to engage with. Due to the fear of the unseen/unknown, there is a lot of warning to be careful of “evil spirits” when speaking of protection which I believe ultimately amplifies the fear around spirits and energy and can create blockages between people and their spiritual team. There is a lot to be said about the darker energies/entities in this world, but generally they are nothing to fear as long as you remain in your power (I’d even argue that that’s what they are here to teach us). In general, I’ve noticed that these darker forces or “tricker” energies tend to take advantage of people’s fears, insecurities, and lack of knowledge on spirits/energy so it’s important to do proper research, not engage in closed practices, and stand in your personal power in order to avoid them. When you are confident in your ability to protect yourself and your energy, the concerns over negative energy/entities and it’s origins are no longer a concern because they no longer have an effect on your energy.
Protection is a practice that you are better off being proactive about then waiting until you feel like your in need of protection. It’s always best to follow up any sort of cleansing practice with protection to extend the benefits of the cleansing you just did, otherwise you may feel like the cleansing didn’t work or find yourself needing to cleanse often if not daily depending on your daily activities. Protection is helpful before you start any sort of energy work, spell work, divination, or even meditation because this is when you’ll find yourself more energetically aware and open to the energies around you. It is also helpful to protect yourself before you leave your home or when you go into a highly populated or spiritually active environment like school, work, the store, hospitals/nursing homes, and cemeteries. I also suggest stay on top of the protections around your home or safe space to ensure these spaces stay energetically comfortable for you.
Unexplainably exhausted/drained
Heightened anxiety/insecurities/fears
Experiencing intrusive thoughts/energy/spirits (feeling to much empathically)
Noticeably bad luck/series of unfortunate events (big or small)
Disclaimer: Spiritual health practices are intended to be in addition to standard mental/physical health care. Please tend to your physical/mental health, first and foremost.
It’s important to cleanse whatever you intend to place protections around to ensure your only protecting energy that you want to keep in place. If you’re unsure how to cleanse, read this blog post on cleansing to learn how.
Shielding your energy or visualizing energetic protection around yourself is an easy way to protect yourself from being influenced by the energy around you. You can do it basically anywhere whenever you feel the need to protect yourself. There are many ways to visualize protection around yourself, but here's the practice I use:
For this practice, you'll want to get into a comfortable position and take a few clearing, grounding breaths. Call all of your awareness back to the present moment and reconnect with your body. Once as you're settled, connect with your power by visualizing it as a golden/white ball of light at the core of your body. With each breath in, this ball of light grows bigger and with each breath out the light grows brighter. Keep breathing until this light has filled your entire body, from the top of your head, into the tips of your fingers, and to the tips of your toes. Once your entire body is filled with your powerful light, extend this light outside of you with each breath in, into a protected bubble around your energy field. Allow this light to grow stronger and brighter with each breath in and out until this energetic bubble is filled with this golden/white light until it feels impenetrable. Set the intention for the impenetrable shield of light to cover you through your day and reestablish this shield daily or before you leave your protected space for the day.
A simple way to place protections is use protective symbols or crystals. You can place them on or near whatever your wanting to protect like yourself, your car, home, workspace, etc.. You can even place a protective crystal on top of a piece of paper with whatever you’d like to protect written on it as a way to target the protective energy. You can use or wear any of the listed crystals and symbols to promote protection:
Smokey Quartz
Black Tourmaline
White or black candle
Florida Water
Egg Shells